Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chapter 2: Maintaining Values

Children grow, as they always have. Emiko and I are very proud of our twins; we can tell they'll grow up to define the Yadreni family in a new way.

Stanley is a Pisces, 6-3-6-4-10.
Ellen is a Taurus, 9-4-6-10-6.

A burglar came the night of the twins' birthday!!!

He took our TV, and my Golden Trout!! The one thing I can't easily replace!!

He got caught, and we got partially compensated.
I don't understand why they couldn't just give us the items back from his bag...

Thanks to this visit, I looked out at the front lawn long enough to notice we have a sizable roach infestation.

The kids' bedroom is upstairs, in the attic. Some day we'll make two real rooms up there, but right now we can't afford it.

One of the biggest reasons Emiko and I are happy to be out of the Apocalypse is the clothing.
There's just so much of it, we had no idea! And now, with the Poka Shopping Center, we can get all of it!
For money, of course...

And money isn't something we are exactly rolling in. We had to pay for an exterminator. Emiko's job pays some, but not a ton. The harvest for this year is already done, and the money from it is all gone.

I am still very happy with that, though. I refuse to succumb to extreme wealth, like the rest of my family! No, the Snake branch of the Yadreni family is proud to be AVERAGE! I have one cute, neat, playful little girl, and one kind young boy. Ellen works hard in her studies, despite being so playful, but Stanley could try a little harder.

Snake: You know, Stanley, you are my heir, so you're going to have to start working hard, so you can keep a healthy family!
Stanley: Yes, Dad...
Ellen: I don't understand why I can't be heir...
Snake: Ellen, my family is not going to reside in the progressive cesspool the rest of the Yadreni's can't seem to get out of! 
Snake: What has happened in the last several generations of our family is of no concern to you! If you really want a good female role model, look at your aunt Atropos! She's the Chieftess of the Lypta Mystics! She's a TRUE Lyptonite!
Ellen: Well what about Mom? Mom even has a job, and you don't!
Emiko: Ellen, that's enough. Listen to your father.

Stanley: Ellen, why did you talk to Dad like that?
Ellen: It's just not fair. I think we should both have a shot at being heir.
Stanley: But, Ellen... I'm the boy! You're the blonde girl, you wear pink!  You'll have a great spare story some day!
Ellen: That's what you think.

Thanks to a few chance events at Emiko's work (which I've determined is, in fact, problematic... I keep trying to talk her out of it, it being working, but her Bleakton ways are set in stone), we earned enough money to build a garage. We don't have a car, yet, but someday I'm going to buy myself a pickup truck to carry vegetables in.

Ellen is doing very well in school, which is nice, of course, but troubling. After all this talk about female heirs... a female heir? What good does that do??? Why, when our family had female heirs, what happened then? There was Kali, who messed up her restriction, and Alyssa, who murdered more than TEN people, including her own sister!

Stanley isn't doing as well as her, sure, but that's alright. He'll become a farmer, like his Old Man!!! He'll live in the house I built and find a wife like I found Emiko.

Ellen: How come you don't play video games, like the other boys at school?
Stanley: Good question! We should get a computer!
Emiko: Stop that, you two, or your Dad will hear you. Video games won't help you become a farmer, like your Dad. Besides, I'm sure he would say something like, "back when I was younger, all we used computers for were term papers, for university! And what is university good for? NOTHING!"

Emiko: Ah, Louella, what should I do? I want BOTH of my children to be successful, but Snake keeps citing all of these "REAL Lyptonite," fighting-against-his-family values! He just wants Stanley to be a farmer, like him, which isn't doing anyone any good... and I think he just wants Ellen to, I don't know, marry some average good-for-nothing boy!
Louella: Sounds rough. You could always leave him...
Emiko: And lose what could have been his namesake? Girl, no!
Louella: Good point...


My wife, Emiko, and I maintain a healthy relationship!


I'm not one for communes or giving it all up to big business... but I joined the Garden Club of Poka. They're good people, except for how they treat my great-great-great grandpa Peter as if he was their patron saint... 

Scott: It is an HONOR to accept an in-the-flesh descendant of Peter Yadreni-hey, you have a firm handshake, don't you- OW, let up a little please, OW, OW!!
Snake: What's that you were saying?

Peter Yadreni, the founder of the Yadreni family, lifted Natural Science.

Stanley: Guess what, Mom? I read a book today!
Emiko: Great, honey!
Snake: Good boy! That's what makes a good heir!
Ellen: .....

The kids are making the most of the beautiful Spring days we get now in Poka. Stanley has finally been out gardening more, like I wanted, while Ellen paints.

Stanley is such a clever little boy!
But not too clever. He won't be like my siblings, uncles, aunts, or cousins. Excessive success is for the other Yadrenis, not me! I WILL HAVE A DISTINCT FAMILY LINE- Ahem...

Stanley: Look, I'm flying!!
Ellen: Whee!!!

I invited a bunch of the family over (with some regret... but I didn't want the kids to be lonely on their birthday).

Hades: Snake? I've heard that you've been denouncing us all and discouraging the twins from any degree of success, Ellen especially...
Snake: What? I can't hear you!!! *TOOOOOOT* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my beautiful children!
Flamingo: What a weirdo.
Elephant: I know, right? 

Ellen grew up a Knowledge Sim. Her LTW is to be a Media Magnate.
Turn ons: Red hair, creative. Turn off: Plantsim
She is a Taurus, 9-4-6-10-6

Stanley grew up a Pleasure Sim. His LTW is to have 50 Dream Dates.
Turn ons: Makeup, brown hair. Turn off: Fat
He is a Pisces, 6-3-6-4-10

Emiko: Look at you two! Look at them, Snake! Ellen, you're so pretty! Stanley, so handsome!
Ellen: Thanks, Mom.
Stanley: Okay.

Lowii (?): I heard Tiger skipped on this party for a World of Witchcraft raid!
Flamingo: What a nerd!

Tiger lifted Gamer in the apocalypse.

Ellen: We have our own rooms now! Wooo! Okay, this is my room, get out.
Stanley: Ok?

Stanley is going to be a very respectable young man, I can tell.

Ellen has been quieter lately, which is good. She's been painting a ton, which I suppose is alright.

Emiko: I saw on TV today there's a scholarship competition available for young painters... I was thinking, Ellen should appl-

Snake: Ellen doesn't need that, she's not going to college, there's no point... Say, did you see on that TV that your uncle Salamander won a Simmie? Not that I'm proud of my other relatives or anything..

Ellen: I... think it sounds great. I think I'll apply. I want to go to college, Dad.

Snake: Don't even think about it, Ellen. That goes for you too, Stanley.
Stanley: Whatever. Did you see his movie? It's called POKALYPTON-
Snake: Yes, I know, we're not talking about this-
Stanley: It's about our family saving Pokalypton from the apocalypse, and establishing the Psveurtzkan Republic-
Snake: Yes, that's enough, Stanley-
Stanley: All of our family members were characters! All of them except for you, your character wasn't in it at all-
Stanley: Jake Simminhaal played Uncle Elephant!
Snake: By Plumbbob, STOP IT.

Ellen didn't take it well, my not allowing her to go to college. What's college good for? I went to college, and for what? To sit at my house with nothing to do while my family members were off saving Pokalypton!

Ellen: I- I- I hate Daddy!!! By Plumbbob, I hate him!!

Ellen: It's okay, Ellen. You'll still make it, some day. You'll be a legend.

Emiko: Why don't you go outside and enjoy the Sun, Stanley?
Stanley: Because of the Sun! It's too hot!

Snake: Well, when are you planning to do the gardening? When the snow comes?
Stanley: No, then it'll be too cold!

I want to live to see my kids live their average lives, so I went ahead and got some Elixir; the stuff invented by one of my relatives. Ugh, who cares if another Yadreni invented clean immortality! So what?

Ellen: My brother is so stupid! This morning, he fell down the stairs!!

Stanley: Ellen, have you seen the band-aids- Oh, well hello, Ginger! Ow ow!
Ellen: Leave her alone, Stanley.
Ginger: Ha.. ha... psst, Ellen, your brother is really hot......

Ginger: What do I say, what do I say, what do I say....
Stanley: Eugh...

I've completed the ultimate garden, finally. I have all of the plants, and all of them are perfect!

Stanley: Hey, Louella... Hey, could you help me with those boo- err, books? Yes, books. Like in homework?
Louella: Huh? Where's your mother, anyway?

Though I believe he makes most women go crazy... as in, crazy in wanting to get away from him, Stanley has all of the physical qualities needed to attract a beautiful wife. Like me, back in the day!

The thing is, he's physically sound, but up in that head of his, there's nothing but World of Witchcraft, most of the time.

I happen to know that Ellen has been chatting a ton with someone on the Internet, but I haven't figured out who...

This is Celebration Park, which was built just next door to celebrate the end of the apocalypse!

Jarrah: Say, is that my grandson? Hello, Stanley! Strange how I've been pregnant longer than you've been alive. And that your grandfather is pregnant. Well, have a nice day....

Ellen: Atropos! It's so good to get to meet with you in person!
Atropos: Great to see you, Ellen.

Atropos: Ellen, I'm really concerned about you. My nephew, your dad, Snake, is very misguided. He's the only Yadreni born in the apocalypse that didn't lift a restriction, or die trying.
Ellen: That should mean his life is a breeze, but all he does is live as simply as he can! He wants Stanley to be heir just because he's a boy, and he doesn't want me to go to college or succeed at all.
Atropos: I understand your frustration. My generation was the first to attend university after the apocalypse, and I couldn't do what I do without it.
Ellen: I want that, too! I mean, I don't want to be a Lypta Mystic, but I need university-
Atropos: University would make your path easier, but, I'm sorry to say, I don't see it in your future. Yadreni's don't just get things easily. I had the apocalypse; you have a confused father. You will build yourself up in business, and you'll be astonishing.
Ellen: There's got to be a way,-
Atropos: Astonishing. And you'll do it all yourself. Just like your father, but better.

Teen boy: Hey, have you guys heard of..... hehehehehe.... uh, umm... Woohoo?
Teen girl: You bet I have. Hey there, you over there...

Stanley: I'm Stanley Yadreni. And what do you call yourself?
Tenille: Tenille. Tenille Maher.

Stanley: Did you hear that second part? Yadreni? That's right, I'm a Yadreni. You impressed?
Tenille: Impressed? Pssh, most of the people in this town are Yadreni's. You're going to have to do better than just using your name.

Stanley: So, Poka's finest restaurant, the Upper Poka Shopping Center... how's this for you?
Tenille: Well, it's only the 'finest' because it's the ONLY restaurant...

Stanley: I hope you enjoyed your dinner. I certainly enjoyed... your... eyes...
Tenille: Oh, Stanley! So charming. Really.

Stanley: Tenille! Let's go!

Well. Stanley hasn't been totally discreet about his relationship with Tenille.

Stanley: Huh? Dad? Why are you awak- I mean, oh, I was just outside... gardening...
Snake: Hmph.

Snake: Isn't it sweet? To see young love alive in our son...
Emiko: Just as sweet as old love.

Ok, nobody is really that charming in the Yadreni family :shifty:

Ellen is proving herself a really, very talented painter. Her self-portrait was impressive!

Stanley, meanwhile, is only successful in his relationship with Tenille.

Emiko: President Yadreni!! What a pleasant surprise! Would you like to come in?
Thanatos: Oh, Emiko, just call me Thanatos! That would be great.

Thanatos: Ellen, is that you? It's great to meet you!
Ellen: Uncle Thanatos! It's such an honor!

Thanatos: Oh, Ellen, you are the future of our family! I'm sure you'll be making the dean's list every year at university!

Ellen: Ha, ha, yeah. Yeah.

Ellen: Dad? You haven't spoken a word to Uncle Thanatos! Say hello! He's the President!
Snake: Huh? Oh, *shclhrhlsclahr* hey uncle.

Thanatos: So, how's life with you, Stanley? Got a girlfriend?
Stanley: Haha, you betcha!

Well, I'm not going to be the only elderly Sim around here forever!

Louella: WOOOO!

Emiko: Well, that's not too bad!

Louella grew up, too! Lost the red hair, but never the sass!

Louella: We did it, girl.
Emiko: That's right.

Emiko: Did you see my brother-in-law, Salamander's movie, POKALYPTON: The Yadreni Revolution? He won a Simmie for it!
Louella: Oh, he was great. But did you see Jake Simminhaal? Giiirl-
Emiko: Lou, he was playing my brother-in-law! But I completely agree.

Louella: Ellen! Have some tea, honey.
Ellen: Thanks, Auntie Lou.

Louella: So, Ellen, what do you think you want to do in life?
Emiko: With how creative you are, honey, I think you'd make a great writer!

Ellen: Well, if we're being perfectly honest... I just want to make a lot of money.
Emiko: That's great, honey. I won't tell your father.

Well, I happen to know that Stanley hasn't been completely honest in the way he's treating women. I saw him outside courting some red head...

He'll have to deal with that as an adult, though.

We invited some of the family to come celebrate the twins' adult birthday! The time is finally here.

Alyssa: It's nice to see you all.
Ares: Really, Mom?
Alyssa: Absolutely not. They let me out of my cell in federal prison for this, though, so I came. By the way, kids, your Grandpa Jarrah told me to tell you he couldn't come because he was 'commanding a unit of 50 secret agents ready to attack' should I attempt to escape. Too bad.
Stanley: Well, uh..
Ellen: We're glad you could make it, great-grandma Alyssa!

Ellen went ahead and had a big hissy-fit because I didn't let her attend college. The shame is on her, really, acting like that, as an adult!

Alyssa: They sure don't have this in top-secret terrorist prison!!

The party ended abruptly when it was discovered that the secret agents had all been eliminated by Alyssa's remaining supporters, the military had to intervene, and the police came to arrest Alyssa.

Ellen wasn't happy with me after the party.

Ellen: No, Dad! You're the one who robbed me of my childhood! This is my time, I get to decide what I'M doing with my life!
Snake: OH, really?

Snake: Robbed childhood, eh? Say, in your childhood were you still recovering from the APOCALYPSE? No? Hmm...

Snake: I heard about your little plan to 'get rich' with your life, Ellen. Our family didn't have money when you were a child because I CHOSE to live that way! I've had all of my skills maximized since college, but I didn't use them because we are the NEW Yadreni family!

Snake: Skills will get you NOWHERE. Money will get you NOWHERE! You will NOT be a business woman, that is not how the NEW YADRENI family works!

Ellen: You'll see, Dad... you'll see.


Ellen Yadreni will be the second generation heiress of the Yadreni family DITFT. :)
She is a Knowledge Sim and a Taurus, 9-4-6-10-6.

An optional task for Generation 2 was accomplished in this chapter:

  • Be enemies with parents (I'm deciding that just one parent, Snake, is enough)

The score, right now then, looks like this:

  • Required objectives complete: 4
  • Optional objectives complete: 6
  • Generations complete: 1

Remaining objectives for Generation 2:

  • Max Business career
  • Max Charisma skill
  • Get Married
  • Have at least one child
  • Make >$50,000
  • Marry a Co-worker
  • Get a Business to level 10

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